A beacon burns bright at Barrington Court in Somerset - one of more than 1,000 lit across the UK

Somerset, Velika Britanija
David Danks, of the City of Leeds pipe band, plays as a flame burns at Conisbrough Castle in South Yorkshire

Gajdaš Dejvid Dejns svira na ceremoniji u Jorkširu
St Mary's Lighthouse, Whitley Bay, glows red in honour of the centenary

Svetionik u Engleskoj osvetljen crvenim svetlom u čast ceremonije
The Queen and senior royals attended Westminster Abbey on Sunday evening where flowers were laid on the grave of the Unknown Warrior

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Kraljica i članovi kraljevske porodice u Vestminsterskoj opatiji na polaganju venaca na grob Nepoznatog vojnika
Princes William and Harry and the duchesses of Sussex and Cambridge at the Westminster Abbey service

Getty Images
Prinčevi Vilijam i Hari sa suprugama na službi u Vestminsterskoj opatiji
St Albans Cathedral is bathed in red light

Katedrala Svetog Albansa osvetljena crvenim svetlom
The names of people who were killed in the First World War are projected on to the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh

Imena žrtava poginulih u Prvom svetskom ratu na zgradi škotskog parlamenta u Edinburgu
King Philippe of Belgium and Queen Mathilde (C) during the Last Post ceremony as part of the Centenary of the WWI Armistice of 11 November 1918 at Menin Gate Memorial, in Ieper, Belgium.

Belgijska kraljevska porodica na ceremoniji
Veterans attend the remembrance service at the Cenotaph memorial in Whitehall

Veterani na komemoraciji u Vajtholu u Londonu
Prince Charles

Princ od Velsa odaje počast žrtvama Prvog svetskog rata
Political leaders

Britanska premijerka Tereza Mej i članovi kabineta
The Duchess of Cornwall, Queen Elizabeth II and the Duchess of Cambridge on a balcony during the remembrance service

Kraljica Elizabeta, vojvotkinja od Kornvola i Vojvotkinja od Kembridža
A police officer bows his head during the remembrance service

Policajac odaje počast minutom ćutanja
Veterans march

Marš veterana na paradi
The veterans march past the Cenotaph

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Primirje se obeležava svakog 11. novembra u znak prekida borbi u Prvom svetskom ratu
A Royal Guardsman during the remembrance service at the Cenotaph memorial

Pripadnik Krljaljevske garde
Chelsea pensioners

Veterani u uniformama
The women of The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry

Bolničarke u čast prve jedinice za pružanje pomoći osnovane 1907.
Princess Anne salutes military veterans

Princeza Ana salutira veteranima
People's Parade passes the Cenotaph

Deset hiljada ljudi u komemorativnoj šetnji u Londonu
Piper Louise Marshall at dawn alongside the Forth Bridge

Gajdaš u Škotskoj
The Centenary Field of Thanks at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire

Polja maka u Stafordšajru
Veterans take part in a remembrance parade and service in Fort William

Veterani u Škotskoj
A member of the public wears a jacket with a large poppy on the back

Getty Images
Wooden crosses are seen arranged to form the number one hundred to mark Remembrance on the grounds of St Mary's church in Isleworth, London

Drveni krstovi npostavljeni u dvorištu crkve Svete Marije u Engleskoj
Remembrance Sunday in Enniskillen

Zastava na pola koplja u Severnoj Irskoj
Remembrance Day commemorations at the WA State War Memorial in King's Park, Perth, Australia,

Širom sveta su održane ceremonije u sećanje na primirje. Australija
Red poppies are projected on to the sails of the Sydney Opera House

Snimci bulki projektovani su na „jedra“ zgrade Opere u Sidneju
French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech

Francuski predsednik Emanuel Makron drži govor ispred Trijumfalne kapije u Parizu
Brigitte Macron, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, US President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump

Makron je bio domaćin državnicima iz 70 zemalja
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives to attend a commemoration ceremony for Armistice Day

Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin na ceremoniji u Parizu
The empty chairs with the names of guests are seen before a commemoration ceremony for Armistice Day

Prazne stolice u iščekivanju dolaska svetskih lidera na komemoraciju u Parizu.
European leaders at the Elysee Palace

Francuski predsednik Emanuel Makron i nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel predvode goste
A dove being released

U Briselu je primirje obeleženo puštanjem belih golubova u znak mira
Hong Kong veterans walk after laying wreaths in front of the Cenotaph in Hong Kong, China,

Veterani u Hong Kongu.
British Royal Marine commando veterans

Veterani britanskih kraljevskih marinaca na Malti
Members of military history clubs wear WWI French military uniform

Francuski vojnici na ceremoniji u Sankt Peterburgu

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