Kovčeg sa telom kraljice Elizabete Druge donet je u Vestminstersku palatu posle procesije koja je krenula iz Bakingemske palate.

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II inside Westminster Hall, at the Palace of Westminster, where she will Lie in State on a Catafalque, in London on 14 September 2022

Kovčeg kraljice Elizabete Druge u Vestminsterskoj palati

Poslednje putovanje tela kraljice Elizabete Druge otpočelo je u sredu u 14.22 po lokalnom vremenu iz Bakingemske palate, kada je povorka polako krenula iz Vestminsterske palate u Londonu, koja je bila njen dom.

Njena deca, koje je predvodio novi kralj Čarls Treći, hodala su iza zaprege koja je prevozila kovčeg.

King Charles III and members of the royal family behind Queen Elizabeth II's flag-draped coffin as it is taken in procession on a Gun Carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on 14 September 2022

Getty Images

Čuveni Big Ben, koji se nalazi u blizini, oglašavao se na svakih 60 sekundi tokom 38 minuta, koliko je povorka putovala do Vestminsterske palate.

King Charles III and members of the royal family behind Queen Elizabeth II's flag-draped coffin as it is taken in procession on a Gun Carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on 14 September 2022

PA Media

Povorka se kretala preko Mola, puta u centralnom delu Londona, a zapregu sa kovčegom vukli su konji kojima su upravljali članovi Kraljevske konjičke artiljerije u svečanim uniformama.

King Charles III and members of the royal family behind Queen Elizabeth II's flag-draped coffin as it is taken in procession on a Gun Carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on 14 September 2022


Bulevar sa tri kolovozne trake, koji se prostire centrom Londona, tokom prethodnih godina bio je mesto na kojem je održavano bezbroj događaja u kojima su učestvovali članovi kraljevske porodice, poput proslave Platinastog jubileja kraljice, kojim je obeleženo 70 godina njene vladavine.

King Charles III and members of the royal family behind Queen Elizabeth II's flag-draped coffin as it is taken in procession on a Gun Carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on 14 September 2022

PA Media

Ljudi su se okupili pored puta dok je prolazila povorka.

Mnogi su brisali suze, dok su drugi aplaudirali dok je pored njih prolazio kovčeg sa telom preminule kraljice.

A tearful mourner watch's the procession for the Lying-in State of Queen Elizabeth II at the Hyde Park screening site on 14 September 2022 in London

Getty Images

Preko kovčega je postavljena zastava Kraljevskog standarda, koja je simbol suverena i Velike Britanije, a Imperijalna državna kruna bila je na njoj.

King Charles III and members of the royal family behind Queen Elizabeth II's flag-draped coffin as it is taken in procession on a Gun Carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on 14 September 2022


Kruna, koja je bila postavljena na ljubičastom postolju, sastoji se od safira Svetog Edvarda, rubina Crnog princa i dijamanta Kulinana Drugog, koji je napravljen od najvećeg dijamanta na svetu.

Na kovčegu je bio i venac od belih ruža i dalija.

King Charles III and members of the royal family behind Queen Elizabeth II's flag-draped coffin as it is taken in procession on a Gun Carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on 14 September 2022

Getty Images

Kralj Čarls Treći, sa sinovima Vilijamom, novim princom od Velsa, i princom Harijem, prisustvovao je svečanoj povorci.

U povorci su bili i drugi uži članovi kraljevske porodice.

King Charles III and members of the royal family behind Queen Elizabeth II's flag-draped coffin as it is taken in procession on a Gun Carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on 14 September 2022

PA Media

King Charles marches during a procession where the coffin of Queen Elizabeth is transported from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament for her lying in state, in London on 14 September 2022


Do 1.000 članova oružanih snaga učestvovalo je u povorci, a među njima su bili i pripadnici Konjice kraljevskog domaćinstva, koje su predstavljali viši članovi te divizije britanske vojske iz odreda Life Guards, Blues i Royals.

The Coldstream Guards march during the procession for the Lying-in State of Queen Elizabeth II on 14 September 2022


Kralj je nosio vojničku uniformu, kao i princeza Ana, princ Edvard i Vilijam, princ od Velsa.

King Charles III and Prince William, Prince of Wales walk behind the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II during a procession from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster


Kraljev brat princ Endrju i njegov mlađi sin princ Hari nosili su odela.

Princ Hari više ne obavlja dužnosti članova kraljevske porodice pošto je 2020. godine odlučio da se odvoji od porodice.

The Duke of Sussex follows the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II during the ceremonial procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on 14 September 2022

PA Media

Ni princ Endrju više nije na dužnosti kao član kraljevske porodice.

Izgubio je vojne titule ove godine pre nego što se nagodio posle tužbe za seksualni napad u Americi, iako je tokom parnice negirao krivicu.

Kraljica supruga, princeza od Velsa, vojvotkinja od Saseksa i grofica od Veseksa stigle su u Bakingemsku palatu automobilom, a pridružile su se kralju u Vesminsterskoj palati, gde je održana kratka služba posle povorke.

Camilla, Queen Consort and Catherine, Princess of Wales are driven behind the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II during a procession from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster, in London on 14 September 2022

Kraljica Kamila i Kejt Midlton, princeza od Velsa

Sophie, Countess of Wessex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex are driven behind the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II during a procession from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster, in London on 14 September 2022

Megan Markl, supruga princa Harija

Povorka je prošla pored Konjičke parade i Vajthola, a u Vestminster stigla je u 15.00 sati po lokalnom vremenu.

The procession of the coffin of Britain's Queen Elizabeth moves from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament for her lying in state, in London, Britain, on 14 September 2022


Osmorici mladića iz odreda Grenadijerskih stražara poveren je zadatak unošenja kraljičinog kovčega u Vestminstersku palatu.

The Bearer Party from Queen's Company, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, carries the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped in the Royal Standard with the Imperial State Crown placed on top, into Westminster Hall, London on 14 September 2022

PA Media

Procession with the coffin of Britain's Queen Elizabeth arrives at Westminster Hall from Buckingham Palace for her lying in state, in London, Britain, 14 September 2022


Očekuje se da stotine hiljada ljudi dođe da vidi kovčeg i oda počast kraljici tokom naredna četiri dana, a ovo mesto će čuvati veliki broj policajaca.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Prince and Princess of Wales at Westminster Hall, London, on 14 September, 2022

PA Media

Vojvoda i vojvotkinja od Saseksa i princ i princeza od Velsa u Vestminsteru.

James, Viscount Severn, and Lady Louise Windsor pay their respects in The Palace of Westminster after the procession for the Lying-in State of Queen Elizabeth II

Getty Images

Džejms, viskont severn, i Luisa Vindzor.

The Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in Westminster Hall

Getty Images
Prince Charles looking on to coffin


Kralj Čarls Treći bio je usredsređen na kovčeg.

The coffin of Britain's Queen Elizabeth arrives at Westminster Hall from Buckingham Palace for her lying in state, in London, Britain, on 14 September 2022


Ranije tokom dana, stražari su čekali da povorka sa kovčegom krene iz Bakingemske palate.

Coldstream Guards outside Buckingham Palace, ahead of the ceremonial procession of the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall, London, on 14 September 2022

PA Media

Veliki redovi su se stvorili na obalama Temze, a ljudi su čekali da povorka krene.

Members of the public join the queue on the South Bank, as they wait to view Queen Elizabeth II lying in state, 14th September 2022

Members of the public join the queue on the South Bank, as they wait to view Queen Elizabeth II lying in state ahead of her funeral on Monday. 14 September 2022.

PA Media

Kovčeg sa telom kraljice Elizabete Druge biće u Vestminsterskoj palati do ponedeljka ujutru, a kasnije tog dana ona će biti sahranjena.

Floral tributes with the royal cypher of Britain's Queen Elizabeth are seen outside Buckingham Palace, following the queen's death, in London, Britain September 13, 2022.


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