Princ Hari i Megan Markl razmenili su danas bračne zavete u Kapeli Svetog Đorđa u dvorcu Vindzor.
Više hiljada ljudi okupilo se na ulicama ispred dvorca Vindzor, a većina njih je tu kampovala tokom noći kako bi zauzela što bolju poziciju za praćenje.
Britanska kraljica Elizabeta dodelila je princu Hariju titulu vojvode od Saseksa, pa je tako i Megan Markl danas postala vojvotkinje od Saseksa.
Među zvanicama koje su prisustvovale venčanju bili su američka voditeljka Opra Vinfri, glumac Idris Elba i pevač Džejms Blant, kao i bliska prijateljica mlade teniserka Serena Vilijams sa suprugom. Prisustvovali su i Dejvid i Viktorija Bekam, kao i Džordž Kluni sa suprugom Amal.
Vojvoda od Kembridža, princ Vilijam priredio je prijem u čast venčanja svog brata, a kako je saopštila Kensingtonska palata na prijem u dvorac Vindzor bilo je pozvano 600 gostiju.
Princ Hari pozvao je na venčanje svoje prijatelje iz 10 godina duge vojne službe, sa kojima je služio u Avganistanu, ali i brojne saradnike iz dobrotvornih društava čiji je pokrovitelj.
Hari i Megan su posle ceremonije izašli ispred crkve da pozdrave odabrane okupljene obožavatelje, posle čega su krenuli u otvorenim kočijama u svadbenu povorku ulicama Vindzora, gde ih je dočekalo mnoštvo sveta.
Nakon venčanja, održanog u zamku Vindzor, par se spremio za proslavu u rezidenciji Frogmor Haus.
Oni su zamak Vindzor napustili u „jaguaru“ sa otvorenim krovom srebrno-plave boje proizvedenog 1968. godine koji ide na električni pogon.
Inače, vila Frogmor, koja pripada britanskoj kraljevskoj porodici, udaljena je jedan kilometar od zamka Vindzor, a otvorena je samo tri dana u toku godine.
Kraljevskom paru se na proslavi pridružilo oko 200 gostiju. Domaćin večeri je glumac Džejms Korden.
epa06748857 Royal fans ahead of the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/NIGEL RODDIS
epa06748907 Pippa Middleton (2-L) arrives with her husband James Matthews 2-R) for the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/TOBY MELVILLE / POOL
epa06748928 A handout photo made available by the British Ministry of Defence shows around 250 members of the Armed Forces making their final preparations in Windsor today ahead of the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. The Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force are all providing ceremonial support to mark the occasion. EPA-EFE/OWEN COOBAN / BRITISH MINISTRY OF DEFENCE / HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDIT: CROWN COPYRIGHT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa06748935 British former soccer player David Beckham (L) and Victoria Beckham (R) arrive for the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/TOBY MELVILLE / POOL
epa06748945 Windsor Castle Guards from 1st Battalion Irish Guards play for the crowd ahead of the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/NIGEL RODDIS
epa06748964 US actor George Clooney (R) and his wife, British human rights barrister Amal Clooney (L) arrive for the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/LAUREN HURLEY EPA-EFE/LAUREN HURLEY
epa06748971 US tennis player Serena Williams (L) and her husband American Internet entrepreneur and investor Alexis Ohanian (R) arrive for the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/TOBY MELVILLE / POOL
epa06749002 Indian actress Priyanka Chopra (2-L) arrives for the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/TOBY MELVILLE / POOL
epa06749037 Britain’s Prince Harry (L) and his brother and best man, Prince William (R), Duke of Cambridge arrive at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle for his royal wedding ceremony to Meghan Markle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/TOBY MELVILLE / POOL
epa06749018 Former British Prime Minister, Sir John Major (C-R) with his wife Dame Norma Major (C-L) arrive for the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/LAUREN HURLEY
epa06749081 Meghan Markle is driven down the Long Walk to St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle for her royal wedding ceremony to Britain’s Prince Harry, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/ANDY RAIN
epa06749108 Bridesmaids and pageboys arrive for the royal wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/NEIL HALL / POOL
epa06749115 Meghan Markle arrives at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle for her royal wedding ceremony to Britain’s Prince Harry, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/NEIL HALL / POOL
epa06749118 Meghan Markle arrives at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle for her royal wedding ceremony to Britain’s Prince Harry, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/NEIL HALL / POOL
epa06749111 A handout photo made available by the British Ministry of Defence shows Meghan Markle arriving at her royal wedding ceremony with Britain’s Prince Harry (unseen) at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, in Windsor, Britain, 19 May 2018. EPA-EFE/OWEN COOBAN / BRITISH MINISTRY OF DEFENCE / HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDIT: CROWN COPYRIGHT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
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