"Danas" traži pomoć za Radmilu Čolić 1

Naša koleginica Radmila Čolić teško je bolesna i potrebna joj je finansijska pomoć za terapiju u inostranstvu koja bi bila uspešnija od dostupne u Srbiji.

Radmila je 2006. godine dobila tumor tipa Astrocitom gradusa 2, koji je tada uspešno odstranjen na Odeljenju za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije (KCS) i tretiran terapijom zračenjem. Zbog mogućeg recidiva svake godine je rađena kontrola magnetnom rezonancom, sa pozitivnim ishodom. Zahvaljujući stalnom medicinskom nadzoru, Radmila je 2012. godine rodila devojčicu.

Šest godina kasnije, juna 2018. godine, suprotno mišljenju onkologa da posle punih 12 godina ne bi trebalo da se ponovi tumor, kontrolni snimak je potvrdio – recidiv. Odmah je operisana na istoj klinici, a histopatološki nalaz je ukazivao na najgoru vrstu moždanog malignog tumora Glioblastom gradusa 4. Predložena je kombinacija zračenja i hemioterapije, na žalost sa vrlo malim izgledom za izlečenje.

U razgovoru sa našim lekarima, došlo se do informacije o novim postupcima u lečenju tumora u svetu, kao i novim preparatima koji se koriste u tu svrhu. Da bi se progresija bolesti zaustavila, pomoć je potražena u japanskoj klinici Resurrection-Clinics Germany UG u Dizeldorfu, koja je specijalizovana za tumore i retke bolesti. Radmila je primila početnu imuno terapiju lekom Gc Maff kojim se podstiču ćelije odbrambenog sistema da prepoznaju ćelije raka i uništavaju ih, što sa drugim primenjenim terapijama do sada nije bio slučaj.

Nastavak lečenja podrazumeva vakcinu od uzorka izvađenog tumora koja se izrađuje u Japanu.

Troškove puta, smeštaja i lečenja je do sada pokrivao naš list, gde Radmila radi od osnivanja 1997. godine, ali troškovi nove terapije su previsoki za firmu. Prema procenama stručnjaka za nastavak lečenja potrebno je 50.000 evra.

Pozivamo sve partnere, saradnike i sve ljude dobre volje u zemlji i inostranstvu da se priključe akciji “’Danas’ traži pomoć za Radmilu Čolić” i uplatom na priloženi račun ili na drugi način pomognu da naša draga koleginica još jednom dobije najvažniju bitku života i nastavi da odgaja svoju ćerkicu.

ŽIRO-RAČUN kod Komercijalne banke


Uputstvo za plaćanje iz inostranstva – u evrima

Intermediary Bank / Correspondent Bank




Account with the institution / Beneficiarys Bank


NAME: Komercijalna banka A.D. Beograd

STREET: Svetog Save 14



IBAN / Account Number: RS35205903102575264969

NAME: Radmila Čolić


CITY, COUNTRY: 11010 Beograd Voždovac, Srbija

"Danas" traži pomoć za Radmilu Čolić 2

Appeal for Help Danas” is asking for help for our colleague Radmila ČolićOur colleague Radmila Čolić is critically ill and she needs the financial aid for the medical treatment in abroad, which would be more efficient than the one available in Serbia.In 2006 Radmila was diagnosed with the brain tumour Astrocitom gradus 2, which was successfully removed by the operation performed at the Clinic of Neorosurgery at the Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade, and was subsequently treated by the radiation therapy. Due to the possible recurrence of the tumour, the medical test by using the magnetic resonance imaging was performed annually, with the positive outcome. Thanks to the permanent medical surveillance, Radmila gave a birth to a baby girl in 2012. Six years later, in June 2018, contrary to the opinion of oncologists that the tumour should not recur after as many as twelve years, the medical test confirmed the recurrence of the tumour. Radmila underwent the emergency operation at the same Clinic, and the histopathological finding revealed the most severe type of the brain cancer – Glioblastom gradus 4. The combination of the radiation therapy and chemotherapy, with the, unfortunately, very poor prognosis for recovery, was suggested. In the consulations with the Serbian doctors, the information on the new ways of the treatments of tumours in abroad, was gained, as well as on the the new medicines which are used for this purpose. In order to stop the progression of the illness, the aid was sought at the Japanese Clinic Resurrection-Clinics Germany UG , specialised for the treatment of the tumours and rare diseases, based in Dusseldorf. Radmila underwent the initial immunotherapy, by taking Gc Maff medicine, which, unlike other treatments, boosts the cells of the immune system to identify the cancer cells and destroy them. The further phase of the treatment implies the use of the vaccine, made from the sample of the extracted tumour, produced in Japan. The costs of the flight, accommodation and medical treatments has been covered by our daily, where Radmila has been working since the establishment, in 1997, but the costs of the new treatments are too high for our company. The estimated costs of the additional medical treatments are 50,000 euros. We are kindly asking all partners, associates and all people of good will in Serbia and in abroad to get involved in the appeal for help “Danas is asking for help for Radmila Čolić”, by making a payment on the submitted account or in any other way, to help our dear colleague to win the most important battle in her life and to continue raising her little daughter.BANK ACCOUNT in Komercijalna banka205-9011007479772-26

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