Vučić najavio čist plus za državu, a Arapi već četiri godine u minusu (ENGLISH) 1Foto: BETAPHOTO/DRAGAN GOJIĆ/MO

Pre sedam godina država Srbija je sa firmom Al Rawafed iz Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata potpisala sporazum kojim je osnovana zajednička kompanija u kojoj strani partner ima 80 odsto vlasničkog udela i kojoj je dato na raspolaganje više od 10.000 hektara poljoprivrednog zemljišta u Vojvodini.

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Udeo države Srbije u kompaniji je 20 odsto. Plan je bio, prema ugovoru, da kompanija za početak investira 115 miliona evra, izgradi sisteme za navodnjavanje i donese dobit i državi.

„Za državu ovde imamo čist plus i to ogroman plus u odnosu na ono što smo imali“, rekao je Aleksandar Vučić jula 2014, nakon što je sporazum potpisan.

To se, međutim, nije desilo, sudeći prema finansijskim izveštajima ove kompanije koja poslednje tri godine završava u „debelom“ minusu. Prošlu godinu Al Rawafed Srbija, koja je prema podacima APR-a krajem prošle godine imala 138 zaposlenih, završila je sa neto gubitkom od 63,9 miliona dinara, a godinu pre toga minus je bio veći od 268 miliona dinara.

Bez odgovora

Ono što je nelogično su podaci za 2017. godinu – u izveštaju ove kompanije u APR-u za tu godinu navodi se da je dobitak bio 148,2 miliona dinara, dok je u finansijskom izveštaju iz 2018. za 2017. prijavljen dobitak od 19,6 miliona dinara. Ostaje nejasno kako je za istu godinu u dva izveštaja Al Rawafed Srbija prijavila različite podatke i gde je nestalo 128 miliona dinara za godinu dana?

Na to i sva druga pitanja u vezi sa poslovanjem ove kompanije u Srbiji ostali smo bez odgovora iz Vlade Srbije, kompaniji Al Rawafed Srbija, ali i Ministarstva odbrane, jer se najsporniji deo ovog međudržavnog ugovora i sprovođenja istog odnosi na deo kompanije koja je bila u nadležnosti ovog Ministarstva.

Vučić najavio čist plus za državu, a Arapi već četiri godine u minusu (ENGLISH) 2

Naime, ugovorom Srbije i kompanije iz Emirata, novoosnovana Al Rawafed Srbija dobila je u zakup više od 10.400 hektara poljoprivrednog zemljišta, od kojih je 3.500 u Karađorđevu, koji je do tada koristila Vojna ustanova Morović.

Zemljište u sklopu Karađorđeva do tada su koristili domaći farmeri, koji su pre nego što je Al Rawafed došao u Srbiju zakup plaćali po tržišnoj ceni od 420 do 430 evra po hektaru. Al Rawafed je ovim ugovorom zemljište u zakup dobio po ceni od 250 evra.

Hiljade hektara zemlje

Osim toga, ova kompanija je direktnom pogodbom kupila i 2.200 hektara zemljišta AD Bačka Sivac za 7.000 evra po hektaru, ali i više od 400 hektara zemljišta Jadran za 10.000 evra po hektaru, direktnom pogodbom bez licitacije dobili su na korišćenje i 4.300 hektara poljoprivrednog zemljišta u Kuli.

U ugovoru od 4. jula 2014, koji je dostupan na sajtu Vlade Srbije, Al Rawafed International Investment se vodi kao „vodeća poljoprivredna kompanija UAE“, a istog dana kada je potpisan ugovor sa ovom firmom država Srbija je raskinula prethodni ugovor o zajedničkom ulaganju sa Al Dahrom potpisan marta 2013. godine.

Prema ugovoru Al Rawafed ima pravo na 80 odsto profita od zemlje koju obrađuje, zemljište koje se uzima u zakup prvih 10 godina plaća se 250 evra po hektaru, ali u narednih 10 godina može se prilagođavati stopi inflacije, s tim da ne sme preći iznos od 370 evra. Ugovorom je predviđeno i da važenje od 20 godina automatski može da produži na još 20 ako se ispuni početni investicioni plan, odnosno ako se uloži 115 miliona evra u izgradnju sistema za navodnjavanje i agrotehnički razvoj. Međutim, ugovor predviđa i da ukoliko ne budu ispunjeni preduslovi za investiranje – što znači da se ne obezbedi vodna dozvola, upis u katastar, infrastruktura – obaveza investiranja će se smatrati ispunjenom i ako firma nije uložila ništa.

„Još nisu platili“

Pitanja dokle se stiglo sa izgradnjom sistema za navodnjavanje, ali i predviđenim investiranjem od 115 miliona evra takođe su bila adresirana na Vladu i Ministarstvo odbrane, kao i kompaniju – ali odgovori nisu stigli ni posle dve nedelje.

Prema ugovoru, Al Rawafed Srbija je trebalo da isplaćuje VU Morović 20 odsto godišnjeg ostvarenog profita, ali Danasu ni iz kompanije, ni iz Ministarstva odbrane nisu rekli da li je i koliko novca na konto ove klauzule u ugovoru i isplaćeno. Naime, osim zemljišta, VU Morović u bivšem Titovom odmaralištu ima i ergelu, ugostiteljske objekte i lovište. S obzirom na to da kompanija posluje sa minusom poslednje četiri godine odgovor na to da li Al Rawafed Srbija plaća Ministarstvu odbrane svoje obaveze prema ugovoru se i sam nameće.

Poslednje informacije o tome dao je pre četiri godine – tada ministar odbrane – Zoran Đorđević, koji je na pitanje Insajdera o tome koliko je Al Rawafed Srbija platila državi rekao „nisu platili još“. Insajder je u serijalu „Čija je zemlja“ objavio da je prihod kompanije za dve godine koliko su obrađivali zemlju bio 1,5 miliona evra, a da VU Morović do tog trenutka nije uplaćeno ništa.

Al Rawafed prodat u Abu Dabiju

Od pre dve godine kompanija Al Rawafed, sa kojom je država potpisala ugovor, više nije vlasnik firme u Srbiji jer je centralu u Abu Dabiju kupila još jedna tamošnja firma koja se bavi poljoprivredom, tačnije gajenjem žitarica Elite Agro LLC. Elite Agro LLC je u Srbiji kupio Zobnaticu u Bačkoj Palanci, a firma je nazvana Yugo Elite Agro.

Yugo Elite Agro osnovan je februara 2014, Al Rawafed Srbija je u registar APR upisan avgusta te godine, a obe firme se nalaze na istoj adresi u Bačkoj Palanci i imaju istog zakonskog zastupnika Emila Moukarzea. Ni ova kompanija, poput Al Rawafeda, ne može da se pohvali poslovnim rezultatima jer je prošle godine napravila neto gubitak veći od 82 miliona dinara.

* Sadržaj je rezultat istraživanja sprovedenog u okviru projekta „Transparentnost učešća države u stranim investicionim projektima“. Stavovi izneti u tekstu su stavovi autora i ne izražavaju nužno stavove donatora.


The Interstate Agreement by Which More Than 10,000 Hectares of Agricultural Land Were Sold or Given for Use to the UAE Company

Vučić Announced a Hefty Gain for the State, But the Company Has Been in the Red for Four Years

Seven years ago, the state of Serbia signed an agreement with the Al Rawafed International Investment LLC from the United Arab Emirates, which established a joint venture company with the foreign partner’s 80% ownership share, giving the newly founded company more than 10,000 hectares of farming land in Vojvodina. The share of the state of Serbia in the company is 20%. As provided by the agreement, the plan was for the company to invest initially 115 million euros, build irrigation systems, and bring profit to the state as well.

„We have a clear gain for the state here, and a hefty gain compared to what we have had up to know,“ Aleksandar Vučić said in July 2014, after the agreement had been signed.

However, this announced gain never ensued, judging by the financial reports of this company, which has recorded a large deficit for the last four years. Al Rawafed Serbia, which, according to the National Business Registry data, had 138 employees at the end of last year, ended the year with a net loss of 63.9 million dinars, and the year before the deficit exceeded 268 million dinars.

What is illogical are the data for 2017 – the company’s 2017 annual balance sheet filed with the National Business Registry stated that the profit was 148.2 million dinars, while the 2018 annual financial report reports a loss of 19.6 million dinars in 2017. It remains unclear how Al Rawafed Serbia reported different data for the same year in two reports, and where did 128.6 million dinars disappear in a year?

We were left without answers to this and all other questions related to the business of this company in Serbia from the Government of Serbia, Al Rawafed Serbia, but also the Ministry of Defense, as the most controversial part of this interstate agreement and its implementation refers to the part of the company that is under the jurisdiction of this Ministry.

Namely, by the agreement between the Government of Serbia and the company from the Emirates, the newly established Al Rawafed Serbia leased more than 10,400 hectares of farming land, of which 3,500 hectares are in Karadjordjevo, which was, until then, used by the Morović Military Institution (VU Morović).

Until then, the Karadjordjevo land was used by local farmers, who, before Al Rawafed came to Serbia, had paid the land lease at a market price of 420 to 430 euros per hectare. With this contract, Al Rawafed leased the land at the below-the-market-price of 250 euros.

In addition, in a direct deal, this company bought 2,200 hectares of land of the AD Bačka Sivac for 7,000 euros per hectare and more than 400 hectares of land of the AD Jadran in Nova Gajdobra for 10,000 euros per hectare. Also in a direct deal and without a public auction, they were granted the right to use 4,300 hectares of farming land in Kula.

In the agreement dated July 4, 2014, which is available on the website of the Government of Serbia, the Al Rawafed International Investment LLC is listed as „the leading agricultural company in the UAE“, and, on the same day when the agreement was signed with this company, the Government of Serbia terminated the previous joint venture agreement signed with Al Dahra in March 2013.

Under the agreement, Al Rawafed is entitled to 80 percent of the profits from the land it cultivates, the leased land is paid 250 euros per hectare for the first 10 years, with a clause that, in the following 10 years, the lease can be adjusted to the inflation rate, provided that it does not exceed the amount of 370 euros. The agreement also stipulates that the validity of 20 years can be automatically extended to another 20 if the initial investment plan is fulfilled, i.e. if 115 million euros are invested in the construction of irrigation systems and agricultural-technical development.

However, the agreement also provides that, if the preconditions for the investment are not met – which means that a water permit, a cadastre registry, or the infrastructure are not provided – the investment obligation will be considered fulfilled even if the company has not invested anything.

Questions about the construction of the irrigation system, as well as the planned investment of 115 million euros, were also addressed to the Government and the Ministry of Defense, as well as the company – but the answers did not arrive even after two weeks.

According to the agreement, Al Rawafed Serbia was supposed to pay the VU Morović 20 percent of the annual profit, but neither the company nor the Ministry of Defense agreed to disclose to the Danas whether and how much money had been paid in line with this clause in the agreement.

Namely, in addition to the land, the VU Morović in the former Tito’s resort also has a stable, catering facilities, and a hunting ground. Given that the company has been operating with a deficit for the last four years, the answer to whether Al Rawafed Serbia pays its obligations under the agreement to the Ministry of Defense is self-imposed.

The last information in this regard was provided four years ago – by the then Minister of Defense – Zoran Djordjević, who, when asked by the Insider about how much Al Rawafed Serbia had paid to the state, said „they haven’t paid yet“. In the series „Whose Land Is This“, the Insider revealed that the company’s income for the two years they cultivated the land was 1.5 million euros, and that, until that time, the VU Morović had not been paid anything at all.
Ljiljana Bukvić

Al Rawafed Sold in Abu Dhabi to a Company That Already Operates in Serbia

As of two years ago, the Al Rawafed International Investment LLC, with which the state signed the agreement, is no longer the owner of the company in Serbia, since the headquarters in Abu Dhabi was bought by another local agricultural company that deals with grain production, the Elite Agro LLC. The Elite Agro LLC earlier bought Zobnatica in Bačka Palanka in Serbia, and the company was named Yugo Elite Agro.

Yugo Elite Agro was founded in February 2014, whereas Al Rawafed Serbia was entered in the Serbian National Business Registry in August of the same year, and both companies are located at the same address in Bačka Palanka and have the same legal representative, Emil Moukarze. Similarly to Al Rawafed, this company cannot boast of business results either, with a net loss of more than 82 million dinars made last year.

Al Rawafed Serbia Business Operations

Year Net profit/loss

2020. – 63,9 million
2019. – 268,3 million
2018. – 247,8 million
2017. – 148,2 million
2016. + 82,7 million

* The National Business Registry Data

The content is the result of the research carried out within the project „Transparency of State Participation in Foreign Investment Projects“. The views expressed in the text are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the donor.

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