Vodič za vegansku hranu u Srbiji - 2. deo (ENGLISH) 1Foto: Georgina Ristich

Kroz vegansku ponudu Beograda i Novog Sada vodi nas Georgina Ristich.

Georgina i Oliver Gohari su mladi bračni par koji se iz Engleske preselio u Srbiju, Georgina je našeg porekla, ali je odrasla u Engleskoj, Oliver i ona su se u avanturu života u Srbiji upustili pre više od tri godine. Danas, vode svoju firmu Planet Kind i ličnim primerom i poslovanjem šalju poruku o važnosti očuvanja planete Zemlje i našoj odgovornosti. Georgina nam je predstavila odgovorne, zdrave i ukusne obroke koje Srbija ima u ponudi. Georgina Ristich



Pre nego što smo se Oli i ja odlučili da se preselimo u Novi Sad, želeli smo da istražimo veganske opcije u gradu. Proverila sam na ‘Happy Cow’ (pretraživač veganske hrane) i ovo je bio prvi restoran na listi. Od tada Ananda je postao restoran koji je definisao naše vreme u Novom Sadu. Svakog dana Ananda nudi novi meni koji uvek uključuje glavno jelo sa supom i hlebom. Međutim, ono zbog čega sam se stalno vraćali je bila njihova veganska pica sa mešanim tofuom i maslinama. E, to je bilo baš ukusno jelo po kom ću uvek pamtiti Anandu.


Ovaj kafić sa sirovim veganskim kolačima nalazi se u istoj ulici kao i Ananda, tako da je, naravno, imalo smisla da posle ručka u Anande, idemo do omiljenog mesta za dezert! Šećernema ima živu i mladalačku atmosferu sa fantastičnim izborom kolača koji će sigurno zadovoljiti vašu želju za slatkim.


Rekalibracija pravi savršenu vegansku brzu hranu za poneti. Kad god mi je bilo potrebno nešto za odmah jesti, ili ako sam želela vikend poslasticu, Rekalibracija je bila moj izbor. Probala sam sve njihove hamburgere, sendviče i tortilje, ali jedina stvar koju sam uvek naručivala uz obrok je njihov ‘hash brown’ krompir. Pored toga što podseća na tradicionalni Engleski doručak, za mene je taj ‘hash brown’ krompir bio krata za emotivno i prijatno putovanje ka mentalnim mestima koje asociraju na dom.

Vege & Vegan

Vege & Vegan je toliko skriveno mesto, da nisam dugo nisam znala da postoji. Iako se ovaj restoran nalazi pored jedne od najprometniji ulica u centru Novog Sada, njegovo tajno dvorište deluje privatno i usamljeno. Vege & Vegan pravi ukusnu hranu i jednu čokoladicu od sirovog kokosa, toliko dobru, da sam je dva puta naručila tokom jednog obroka.

Moritz Eis

Pronaći prodavnicu sladoleda koja ima veganske opcije u Srbiji, je još uvek retko, a one sa veganskim opcijama nude uglavnom sorbe. Međutim, Moritz Eis nudi veliki izbor sa voćnim ukusima koji, u leto, lako zadovoljavaju. Pored ove opcije, ja još uvek držim palčeve za 100% vegansku prodavnicu sladoleda u Srbiji.

SLEDEĆEG PETKA: Pekare za vegane



Before Oli and I committed to moving to Novi Sad, we wanted to explore the city’s vegan options. I checked on Happy Cow (a vegan food search engine) and this was the first restaurant on the list. Since then, Ananda has become a restaurant that has defined the time we spent in Novi Sad. Every day, Ananda offers a new set menu that always includes a main course with soup and bread. However, what I really kept coming back for was the takeaway vegan deep dish pizza with blended tofu and olives. Now that was some hearty goodness that I’ll always remember Ananda for.


This raw vegan cake cafe is on the same street as Ananda, so of course, it only made sense for me to go there for my desserts after lunch! Šećernema has a vibrant and youthful vibe with a fantastic selection of cakes, bars and slices that is sure to satisfy all your sweet tooth cravings.


Rekalibracija is the perfect vegan fast food joint and takeaway. Whenever I needed a quick refueling whilst in town, or wanted a weekend treat takeaway, these guys were on speed dial. I have tried all their burgers, sandwiches and tortilla wraps, but the one thing I always had to have with my meal was their hash browns. It not only reminded me of a traditional English breakfast, but it was such a good comfort food.

Vege & Vegan

Vege & Vegan is so hidden away, that I had no idea this place existed for a long time. Even though this restaurant is next to one of the busiest streets in the centre of Novi Sad, its secret courtyard location feels private and secluded. Vege & Vegan make delicious and hearty food and a raw coconut chocolate bar, so good, that I asked for it twice.

Moritz Eis

Finding an ice cream store that has vegan options in Serbia is still a rarity and those with vegan options offer mainly sorbets. However, Moritz Eis fills that vegan shaped spot nicely with its strong fruity flavours. Saying that, I am keeping my fingers crossed for a fully fledged vegan ice cream store in Serbia for the future (hint, hint).


Bakeries are something that Serbia does really well. I’m in carb heaven I have to admit. In England, independent bakeries have been absorbed by corporate supermarket chains and it’s rare to find independent bakeries that make truly fresh goods .In Serbia however, there is a bakery on every corner. It’s really easy to get affordable ‘posno’ bread and even some sweet treats like ‘pitas’. These two bakeries that I frequent, clearly mark their products with no confusion on the ingredients:


This Novi Sad bakery and cafe was right around the corner from my flat and it was all too tempting to walk past every day. My favourites were the buckwheat grated potato pita and the sweet buckwheat pumpkin and cinnamon pita.

Skroz Dobra

Even though Skroz Dobra is a chain, what I like about them is the clearly marked yellow dots that mark the ‘posno’ food along with a printed list of ingredients next to it. For me, can never go wrong with their mushroom or potato pita or an apple strudel for dessert.

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